Trail Layout and Design Workshop

Welch Trail Education Center
Saturday 11/2/2024
9AM - 3PM

Oftentimes, issues encountered on trail, whether it be mud and waterflow, erosion and degradation, braiding/widening and user-created paths, or unpleasant/steep grades, can be traced back to the trail’s conception.

The planning phase of trailbuilding is just as important, if not more so, than the actual construction, and it is all too easy to minimize layout and design considerations in favor of just building the trail. This unfortunately creates all sorts of negative consequences down the line in terms of sustainability and user experience.

As such, this course is devoted to establishing guidelines for laying out and designing sustainable and enjoyable trails, and ensuring that attendees understand how a well-designed trail defines user experience and minimizes environmental impacts and construction/maintenance efforts down the line.


Event Details:

Meeting Location: Welch Trail Education Center, Harriman NY - Google Maps Link
Time: 9AM - 3PM
What to bring: Plenty of water, lunch and snacks, long pants, hiking-appropriate footwear.

This Workshop is hosted as part of Trail U.

Attending this workshop will count towards the Expert Trail Builder curriculum track. Fill out your attendance in the Trail U Brochure to track your progress and earn a patch upon completion!

If you have any questions about Trail U, please email [email protected]


Additional Donation